scikit_build_core.settings package


scikit_build_core.settings.documentation module


Pulls documentation from a dataclass.

Return type:

dict[str, str]

scikit_build_core.settings.json_schema module

exception scikit_build_core.settings.json_schema.FailedConversionError[source]

Bases: TypeError

scikit_build_core.settings.json_schema.convert_type(t, *, normalize_keys)[source]
Return type:

dict[str, Any]

scikit_build_core.settings.json_schema.to_json_schema(dclass, *, normalize_keys)[source]
Return type:

dict[str, Any]

scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_docs module


Makes documentation for the skbuild model.

Return type:


scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_model module

class scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_model.BackportSettings(find_python=<Version('3.26.1')>)[source]

Bases: object

find_python: Version = <Version('3.26.1')>

If CMake is less than this value, backport a copy of FindPython. Set to 0 disable this, or the empty string.

class scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_model.CMakeSettings(minimum_version=None, version=<SpecifierSet('>=3.15')>, args=<factory>, define=<factory>, verbose=False, build_type='Release', source_dir=PosixPath('.'), targets=<factory>)[source]

Bases: object

args: List[str]

A list of args to pass to CMake when configuring the project. Setting this in config or envvar will override toml. See also cmake.define.

build_type: str = 'Release'

The build type to use when building the project. Valid options are: “Debug”, “Release”, “RelWithDebInfo”, “MinSizeRel”, “”, etc.

define: Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]

A table of defines to pass to CMake when configuring the project. Additive.

minimum_version: Optional[Version] = None

DEPRECATED in 0.8; use version instead.

source_dir: Path = PosixPath('.')

The source directory to use when building the project. Currently only affects the native builder (not the setuptools plugin).

targets: List[str]

The build targets to use when building the project. Empty builds the default target.

verbose: bool = False

Verbose printout when building.

version: SpecifierSet = <SpecifierSet('>=3.15')>

The versions of CMake to allow. If CMake is not present on the system or does not pass this specifier, it will be downloaded via PyPI if possible. An empty string will disable this check.

class scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_model.EditableSettings(mode='redirect', verbose=True, rebuild=False)[source]

Bases: object

mode: Literal['redirect', 'inplace'] = 'redirect'

Select the editable mode to use. Can be “redirect” (default) or “inplace”.

rebuild: bool = False

Rebuild the project when the package is imported. The build-directory must be set.

verbose: bool = True

Turn on verbose output for the editable mode rebuilds.

class scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_model.GenerateSettings(path, template='', template_path=None, location='install')[source]

Bases: object

location: Literal['install', 'build', 'source'] = 'install'

The place to put the generated file. The “build” directory is useful for CMake files, and the “install” directory is useful for Python files, usually. You can also write directly to the “source” directory, will overwrite existing files & remember to gitignore the file.

path: Path

The path (relative to platlib) for the file to generate.

template: str = ''

The template to use for the file. This includes string.Template style placeholders for all the metadata. If empty, a template-path must be set.

template_path: Optional[Path] = None

The path to the template file. If empty, a template must be set.

class scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_model.InstallSettings(components=<factory>, strip=None)[source]

Bases: object

components: List[str]

The components to install. If empty, all default components are installed.

strip: Optional[bool] = None

Whether to strip the binaries. True for scikit-build-core 0.5+.

class scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_model.LoggingSettings(level='WARNING')[source]

Bases: object


The logging level to display, “DEBUG”, “INFO”, “WARNING”, and “ERROR” are possible options.

class scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_model.NinjaSettings(minimum_version=None, version=<SpecifierSet('>=1.5')>, make_fallback=True)[source]

Bases: object

make_fallback: bool = True

If Ninja is not present on the system or is older than required, it will be downloaded via PyPI if this is false.

minimum_version: Optional[Version] = None

DEPRECATED in 0.8; use version instead.

version: SpecifierSet = <SpecifierSet('>=1.5')>

The versions of Ninja to allow. If Ninja is not present on the system or does not pass this specifier, it will be downloaded via PyPI if possible. An empty string will disable this check.

class scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_model.SDistSettings(include=<factory>, exclude=<factory>, reproducible=True, cmake=False)[source]

Bases: object

cmake: bool = False

If set to True, CMake will be run before building the SDist.

exclude: List[str]

Files to exclude from the SDist even if they are included by default. Supports gitignore syntax.

include: List[str]

Files to include in the SDist even if they are skipped by default. Supports gitignore syntax.

reproducible: bool = True

If set to True, try to build a reproducible distribution (Unix and Python 3.9+ recommended). SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH will be used for timestamps, or a fixed value if not set.

class scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_model.ScikitBuildSettings(cmake=<factory>, ninja=<factory>, logging=<factory>, sdist=<factory>, wheel=<factory>, backport=<factory>, editable=<factory>, install=<factory>, generate=<factory>, metadata=<factory>, strict_config=True, experimental=False, minimum_version=None, build_dir='')[source]

Bases: object

backport: BackportSettings
build_dir: str = ''

The build directory. Defaults to a temporary directory, but can be set.

cmake: CMakeSettings
editable: EditableSettings
experimental: bool = False

Enable early previews of features not finalized yet.

generate: List[GenerateSettings]
install: InstallSettings
logging: LoggingSettings
metadata: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]

List dynamic metadata fields and hook locations in this table.

minimum_version: Optional[Version] = None

If set, this will provide a method for backward compatibility.

ninja: NinjaSettings
sdist: SDistSettings
strict_config: bool = True

Strictly check all config options. If False, warnings will be printed for unknown options. If True, an error will be raised.

wheel: WheelSettings
class scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_model.WheelSettings(packages=None, py_api='', expand_macos_universal_tags=False, install_dir='', license_files=<factory>, cmake=True, platlib=None, exclude=<factory>, build_tag='')[source]

Bases: object

build_tag: str = ''

The build tag to use for the wheel. If empty, no build tag is used.

cmake: bool = True

If set to True (the default), CMake will be run before building the wheel.

exclude: List[str]

A set of patterns to exclude from the wheel. This is additive to the SDist exclude patterns. This applies to the final paths in the wheel, and can exclude files from CMake output as well. Editable installs may not respect this exclusion.

expand_macos_universal_tags: bool = False

Fill out extra tags that are not required. This adds “x86_64” and “arm64” to the list of platforms when “universal2” is used, which helps older Pip’s (before 21.0.1) find the correct wheel.

install_dir: str = ''

The install directory for the wheel. This is relative to the platlib root. You might set this to the package name. The original dir is still at SKBUILD_PLATLIB_DIR (also SKBUILD_DATA_DIR, etc. are available). EXPERIMENTAL: An absolute path will be one level higher than the platlib root, giving access to “/platlib”, “/data”, “/headers”, and “/scripts”.

license_files: List[str]

A list of license files to include in the wheel. Supports glob patterns.

packages: Optional[List[str]] = None

A list of packages to auto-copy into the wheel. If this is not set, it will default to the first of src/<package>, python/<package>, or <package> if they exist. The prefix(s) will be stripped from the package name inside the wheel.

platlib: Optional[bool] = None

Target the platlib or the purelib. If not set, the default is to target the platlib if wheel.cmake is true, and the purelib otherwise.

py_api: str = ''

The Python tags. The default (empty string) will use the default Python version. You can also set this to “cp37” to enable the CPython 3.7+ Stable ABI / Limited API (only on CPython and if the version is sufficient, otherwise this has no effect). Or you can set it to “py3” or “py2.py3” to ignore Python ABI compatibility. The ABI tag is inferred from this tag.

scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_read_settings module

class scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_read_settings.SettingsReader(pyproject, config_settings, *, state, extra_settings=None, verify_conf=True, env=None)[source]

Bases: object

classmethod from_file(pyproject_path, config_settings=None, *, state='sdist', verify_conf=True, extra_settings=None, env=None)[source]
Return type:


Return type:


Return type:

dict[str, list[str]]

Return type:

Generator[str, None, None]

Return type:


scikit_build_core.settings.skbuild_schema module


Generate the complete schema for scikit-build settings.

Return type:

dict[str, Any]


Get the stored complete schema for scikit-build settings.

Return type:

dict[str, Any]

scikit_build_core.settings.sources module

This is the configuration tooling for scikit-build-core. This is build around the Source Protocol. Sources are created with some input (like a toml file for the TOMLSource). Sources also usually have some prefix (like tool.scikit-build) as well. The SourceChain holds a collection of Sources, and is the primary way to use them.

An end user interacts with SourceChain via .convert_target, which takes a Dataclass class and returns an instance with fields populated.

Example of usage:

sources = SourceChain(TOMLSource("tool", "mypackage", settings=pyproject_dict), ...)
settings = sources.convert_target(SomeSettingsModel)

unrecognized_options = list(source.unrecognized_options(SomeSettingsModel)

Naming conventions:

  • model is the complete Dataclass.

  • target is the type to convert a single item to.

  • settings is the input data source (unless it already has a name, like env).

  • options are the names of the items in the model, formatted in the style of the current Source.

  • fields are the tuple of strings describing a nested field in the model.

When setting up your dataclasses, these types are handled:

  • str: A string type, nothing special.

  • bool: Supports bool in TOML, not handled in envvar/config (so only useful in a Union)

  • Any callable (Path, Version): Passed the string input.

  • Optional[T]: Treated like T. Default should be None, since no input format supports None’s.

  • Union[str, ...]: Supports other input types in TOML form (bool currently). Otherwise a string.

  • List[T]: A list of items. ; separated supported in EnvVar/config forms. T can be a dataclass (TOML only).

  • Dict[str, T]: A table of items. TOML supports a layer of nesting. Any is supported as an item type.

  • Literal[...]: A list of strings, the result must be in the list.

  • Annotated[Dict[...], "EnvVar"]: A dict of items, where each item can be a string or a dict with “env” and “default” keys.

These are supported for JSON schema generation for the TOML, as well.

Integers/floats would be easy to add, but haven’t been needed yet.

class scikit_build_core.settings.sources.ConfSource(*prefixes, settings, verify=True)[source]

Bases: object

This is a source for the PEP 517 configuration settings. You should initialize it with a dict from PEP 517. a.b will be treated as nested dicts. “verify” is a boolean that determines whether unrecognized options should be checked for. Only set this to false if this might be sharing config options at the same level.

While most mechanisms (pip, uv, build) only support text, gpep517 allows an arbitrary json input, so this currently also handles bools.

Return type:


classmethod convert(item, target)[source]
Return type:


get_item(*fields, is_dict)[source]
Return type:

str | list[str] | dict[str, str] | bool

has_item(*fields, is_dict)[source]
Return type:


Return type:

Generator[str, None, None]

class scikit_build_core.settings.sources.EnvSource(prefix, *, env=None)[source]

Bases: object

This is a source using environment variables.

Return type:


classmethod convert(item, target)[source]
Return type:


get_item(*fields, is_dict)[source]
Return type:

str | dict[str, str]

has_item(*fields, is_dict)[source]
Return type:


static unrecognized_options(options)[source]
Return type:

Generator[str, None, None]

class scikit_build_core.settings.sources.Source(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Protocol


Given a model, produce a list of all possible names (used for producing suggestions).

Return type:


classmethod convert(item, target)[source]

Convert an item from the base representation of the source’s source into a target type. Raises TypeError if the conversion fails.

Return type:


get_item(*fields, is_dict)[source]

Select an item from a chain of fields. Raises KeyError if the there is no item. is_dict should be set if it can be nested.

Return type:


has_item(*fields, is_dict)[source]

Check if the source contains a chain of fields. For example, fields = [Field(name="a"), Field(name="b")] will check if the source contains the key “a.b”. is_dict should be set if it can be nested.

Return type:



Given a model, produce an iterator of all unrecognized option names. Empty iterator if this can’t be computed for the source (like for environment variables).

Return type:

Generator[str, None, None]

class scikit_build_core.settings.sources.SourceChain(*sources, prefixes=())[source]

Bases: object

convert_target(target, *prefixes)[source]

Given a dataclass type, create an object of that dataclass filled with the values in the sources.

Return type:


get_item(*fields, is_dict)[source]
Return type:


has_item(*fields, is_dict)[source]
Return type:


Return type:

Generator[str, None, None]

class scikit_build_core.settings.sources.TOMLSource(*prefixes, settings)[source]

Bases: object

Return type:


classmethod convert(item, target)[source]
Return type:


get_item(*fields, is_dict)[source]
Return type:


has_item(*fields, is_dict)[source]
Return type:


Return type:

Generator[str, None, None]